10 years on Steam
Medium Profile Value
Unverified Discord
Public Friendlist
VAC Status: OK
Game Status: OK
Steam Community Status: OK
Steam Market Status: OK
SteamRep: OK
Steam Status:

Steam ID: 76561198117836051
Steam URL:
Last Steam Ladder Login: >2 months ago
Alphastrick 21 Aug 2020
BrecherFengel 05 Aug 2021
Received from hype 9 Years on Steam
Received from deni Private Profile6 Years on Steam
"Even Chernobyl isn't that toxic"
Given to KänniS Private Profile8 Years on Steam
"CS:GO WH, AH, Spin-Bot"
Given to alied Private Profile0 Years on Steam
Given to Perry 5 Years on Steam
"Somewhat toxic"
Given to Ringsby 6 Years on Steam
"Toxic and disrespectful. Trades himself like *the best player*"
Given to eat samwinch 3 Years on Steam
"Nice and friendly"
Given to пурпл 4 Years on Steam
"Nice and friendly"
Given to PIFF 7 Years on Steam
"Nice and friendly"
Given to Doug Dimmadome 10 Years on Steam
"does not stick to "all knife mid" agrement"
Given to Lun/A\TunaCabuna 4 Years on Steam
"Toxic and disrespectful"
Given to Sp4rtAn 10 Years on Steam
"Hello my fellow secondary account."
Given to MC Carry Janus 7 Years on Steam